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  • About ICA
  • The Role of Clinical Rehabilitation Counselors to Mental Health Specialists Webinar (Virtual, Live)

The Role of Clinical Rehabilitation Counselors to Mental Health Specialists Webinar (Virtual, Live)

  • 27 Jan 2025
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


  • This ticket can be purchased if you are a member of one of the ACA state branches in The Midwest Region of the American Counseling Association (ACA) represents professional counselors who live and practice in the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. ACA members who reside in any of these are part of the ACA Midwest Region.

The Role of Clinical Rehabilitation Counselors to Mental Health Specialists Webinar (Live, Virtual)

Monday, January 27 at 12 pm EST/ 11 am CST

1 NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Unit Provided 


  • Rebecca Sametz Riddle, PhD, CRC, LPC-MI, LPC-OH, NCC, VRT, ETS 
  • Danielle Nimako, PhD, CRC, LPC

Clinical Rehabilitation Counselors (CRCs) and Mental Health Specialists both play vital roles in supporting individuals with emotional, psychological, and functional challenges, but their areas of focus, training, and the types of interventions they provide may differ. Despite these differences, their work often intersects, especially when addressing the mental health needs of individuals with disabilities or other chronic conditions. By working together, they provide a comprehensive support system that enables individuals to achieve a higher quality of life, greater independence, and emotional well-being. Join us for a session that will be an open forum and an opportunity for live questions and responses from the presenters!

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the Role of Clinical Rehabilitation Counselors, their primary responsibilities, and scope of practice.

2. Identify the key areas where Clinical Rehabilitation Counselors and Mental Health Specialists work together in assisting clients with both physical and mental health challenges.

3. Analyze the overlap between CRCs' focus on functional independence and the mental health support provided by Mental Health Specialists to promote successful reintegration into the workplace.

4. Examine how the combined efforts of CRCs and Mental Health Specialists improve the overall well-being and quality of life of individuals with disabilities.


Free - ICA Member

$10Midwest Region of ACA, State Branch Member (Code Required)

$25- Non-Member

This live webinar will be recorded. 

Session link and continuing education information will be located in the confirmation email.

Mailing Address:

631 North Euclid Avenue

Indianapolis, IN 46201


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