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The Indiana Counseling Association is proud to partner with the following organizations and businesses.


If you are interested in pursuing a potential partnership with us, please reach out to us at

Help us support the Disaster Relief efforts of the American Red Cross. Donations towards Disaster Relief will help people whose lives have been upended by wildfires, storms, floods and countless other crises. Your gift will not only help with immediate needs like food and shelter, it will also put people on the road to recovery and guide communities as they better prepare for disasters.

 Visit the partner page here:


Are you passionate about taking care of those on the frontlines of mental health care and treatment in the state of Indiana? We are dedicated to providing quality care and education to mental health counselors and promoting mental health and wellness in Indiana. 

Maybe you'd like to be a sponsor of the Indiana Counseling Association. Sponsorships help the Indiana Counseling Association to contribute more directly to mental health counselors in their professional development and provides increases access to leadership and educational opportunities. Here is what your sponsorship goes towards:

  • Scholarships and grants for graduate-level counseling students and new counseling professionals
  • Annual conference or continuing education opportunities
  • General operating and administrative expenses

Any questions regarding sponsorship may be sent to


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Mailing Address:

631 North Euclid Avenue

Indianapolis, IN 46201


The Indiana Counseling Association

is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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